Thursday, June 2, 2011

DIY: Bubbles | Refill Container

 This bubble recipe is so super easy to make and so frugal!
I found this at Come Together Kids

 Items Used:
Refill container $6.00 at Wal-Mart
2 1/2  cups water and 1/2 cup light corn syrup
mix in a bowl together and microwave four minutes
Gently mix 1/2 cup dish liquid
(I was told Dawn is the best)
I made the letters myself with my Cricut and used Mod Podge to adhere them.

And that is it and it works!
I made four batches to go in this container.

Reused Items:
I saved bubble wands from old bubble containers
Saved yogurt cups to reuse for something     
Everything else was already on hand except the container!           

Yay! for recycling and saving money!

 And what kid does not like bubbles?!

And the fact that it's a DIY dispenser! 

Happy Bubble Blowing!

I'm Linking to:

Come Together Kids

It's Playtime at hands on : as we grow

150x150 mib


Alissa @ Creative With Kids said...

I've never seen a recipe with corn syrup in it, looks easy and fun!

Eschelle Westwood Mumfection said...

that is a really neat bubble recipe!

Lori said...

I love that it's so simple and I have these ingredients all the time!

Unknown said...

I've been wanting to make my own bubble mixture for ages now! I have two questions about it though: 1) What is Karo syrup? and 2) I noticed in the picture you used Dawn dishsoap. I've heard before that Dawn is the best for making bubbles. Is that why you used it? Have you tried other brands? I don't think I can get Dawn here, which is why I ask. I'm dying to make some, I just bought 15 individual bubble bottles today for our birthday party this weekend :-S

Thanks so much for linking up to Outdoor Play!

OurWanderingAdventures said...

Awesome on the wording!! We made ours a few months ago and even the neighborhood kids are hooked!

Lori said...

Michelle Hi, I tried to email you but I couldn't through the contact me button.

Karo syrup is just a name brand, it's corn syrup.
And Dawn is just what I had on hand. I didn't know Dawn was the best for bubble blowing. I will keep that brand. I actually ran out of Dawn during the process, so one batch mixed in is a generic brand.I will edit my post with corn syrup instead. I just bought a store brand, so I won't be using Karo next time. It says light corn syrup on the bottle. It was a larger bottle and cheaper.:)

Kate @ An Everyday Story said...

Lori I really like your refill station. Definitely a great way to keep the kids coming back. I've also found that corn syrup makes the best bubbles.

And Jane (Mama Pea Pod), we just use regular old dishwashing liquid and it works fine. The secret is the corn syrup :) If you can't get corn syrup you can make it out of 2 parts sugar 1 part water then boil.

Great to see you again Lori. Another great idea. Thanks for coming over to our Outdoor Play Friday link-up :)

Let the Children Play said...

What a perfect idea - not only solves the problem of you having to refill all the time but encourages independence as well. Thanks so much for sharing with us all at the It's Playtime Linkup.

Unknown said...

great recipe! I'll definately have to try it out- found you from Outdoor Play link-up on Mama Pea Pod! new follower-

Gidget Girl Reading said...

wonderful idea!!!

Carmella said...

Just found you from the Come Together Kids Summer Fun link up! I love this idea sooo much and I am so happy to be your newest follower!

Lori said...

Thanks for following, I'm excited to have y'all!

Lauren said...

I love this idea! My little one just learned how to blow bubbles and goes through them like water! This is perfect!

I'd love for you to come link up at my Toddler Tuesdays Linky (new one every Tuesday):

Unknown said...

I love love love this idea! I run a home day care as well and we go through a wicked amount of bubbles and I am constantly passing around a container!!! Thank you so much for this idea! I'm going to make one and will link back to you! Sarah

Unknown said...

Just perfect!! The children I work with are going to love this! Thank you so much for sharing.

Chanin said...

This is a great idea!!! Thanks so much for sharing! Can't wait to use it!

Allison said...

Great idea, thanks for sharing!! I cannot wait to try this out with my boys.

Mommafo said...

GREAT idea for the yogurt cups. I started keeping jello cups for the same reason-- to use for "something." I had used them for small snacks and water for painting, but I can't wait to make bubbles. :)

Brandi said...

This is such a good idea! My kids are older, but they never get tired of playing with bubbles! Thanks for sharing!!

ShareandRemember said...

It's one of the most popular posts on my blog too! I bummed - it's so nice outside & I'm out of dish soap. Just beware - I've been warned that for licensing bubbles can not be left out all the time - I can only have the container out when I'm supervising bubble play... so I better not have the container out on my deck during the summer unless we're out there & using it or have it out of reach. Ugh.

LMM said...

Thanks for sharing this terrific idea. I don't have a daycare but the neighborhood kids tend to congregate at either our house or my good friend's just a few doors down. I'm going to share your idea with her, too!

anna said...

Hi. I just made this recipe and I followed it exactly (even used Dawn soap). It did not make very good bubbles! I'm wondering if you have any tips or if this has ever happened to you. Each dip will only make 1 bubble. Suggestions? More syrup? More soap??

Lori said...

For the above post I sent her an email. I have never had a bad experience with this mix. Has anyone else?
I found this site, hopefully it will help if anyone has ran into some problems.

Sorry again Anna. :(

Unknown said...

Just wanted you to know I used this in my blog post! It was my favorite pin on Pinterest!!

Lise said...

That refill container is a great idea! I know what I'll be looking for next time I hit the thrift store!

Anonymous said...

Just made this for my five year old and she LOVES it!!! So glad I found this! I used Store brand corn syrup and dish liquid and works great!


Lori said...

I'm so glad she's enjoying it!

Bonnie @ Uncommon Designs said...

Incredibly clever!! just too cute!! :)

Ashley M said...

Fun! When i first saw this pin I thought it was just an alternative bubble dispenser which i thought was creative in itself, but you have a bubble making recipe and most of your tools are recycled! love it! gonna try it out this summer with the kiddos!

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for the ideas! I linked back to your blog from mine in today's post.

Unknown said...

I've been looking for a bubble recipe and stumbled across your post on the come together summer linky. Going to try this today wish me luck.

Anonymous said...

This looks like great recipe! I will have to try it with JDaniel!

Janice D. Green said...

I like this idea. I wonder how many recipes it would take to fill a small wading pool an inch or two deep? Then you might use a hula hoop to make huge bubbles.

Meaningful Mama said...

I did this with my kids today. It's such a great idea. I used a different recipe, but we had a lot of success. I will be linking back to you next week. Jodi @

Unknown said...

Just a courtesy note to let you know I have pinned your "Bubbles Refill Container" post to a pinterest board with a collection of learning resources to complement the “Bubble Mania” app. You will find lesson ideas, learning activities and reviews to support this app. If you have other posts suitable for this or other boards I am compiling, please email me. You can find my boards at

Unknown said...

Just a courtesy note to let you know I have pinned your "Bubble Refill Container" post to a pinterest board with a collection of learning resources to complement the “Bubble Mania” app. You will find lesson ideas, learning activities and reviews to support this app. If you have other posts suitable for this or other boards I am compiling, please email me.
Warm regards

Kitty said...

I love this! What I want to know is more about how you made the dispenser!

Kitty said...

I love your idea! I would like to know more about how you made the dispenser! Where did you find the lettering and the plastic jug??

Unknown said...

This is great! We go through a lot of bubbles at our house. I tried your bubble recipe and it works great! Next step is to make a refill container for the kids!

Dawn Vieira said...
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Dawn Vieira said...
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Mommy Evolution said...
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Dawn Vieira said...
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Unknown said...
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Lori said...
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Kaysi @ Keeping it Simple said...
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Mary not so Contrary said...

Oh my goodness this is genius!! Thanks for this idea. With there being 9 kids 11 and under in my hubbys family we all go through a lot of bubbles in the summer. This is going to be a money saver for sure!

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